APEX Martial Arts
Phone# 704-766-8141
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Schedule: Thursdays 6:15pm / Saturdays 10am
Website: wwwApexKarate.com

Name (Rank): Master Butch McLaughlin (8th Dan)
Location/Date of birth: Buffalo, NY/1968
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1986/ Gary Castanza /Universal Martial Arts Academy/ Buffalo, NY
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: April 1989
Date received present rank: September 2021 
Additional Martial Arts Training: Shodan – Shurite jujutsu; Shodan – Kendo; Modern Arnis; Brazilian Jiujitsu; Judo; Irish Stick/Shillelagh
Organizational support: USIK, Former member of American Okinawan Karate Association (AOKA); Former member of Okinawan Isshinryu Karate & Kobudo Association (OIKKA); Former member of Professional Isshinryu Karate Federation (PIKF); USA National Karate Federation (USANKF) - Coach ; Judge Level D; Member Shurite Bujutsu kai
Awards (Martial Arts): World Head of Family Sokeship Council – Outstanding Student 1997
Profession: Credit Risk Manager
Education: BS in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2018)
Personal: Security Team Defensive Tactics trainer at Mecklenburg Community Church; Children’s ministries Teacher; “Girl Dad” to two San dans; Avid Bills & Sabres fan

Name (Rank): Sensei Benjamin Smyth (5th Dan)
Location/Date of birth: Buffalo, NY/1990
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1997/Buffalo, NY/Universal Martial Arts/Gary and Patrice Castanza
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: May 2007
Date received present rank: Go-Dan October 2020 
Organizational support: USIK, Former member of American Okinawan Karate Association (AOKA)
Awards (Martial Arts): Apex Martial Arts male instructor of the year
Awards (Professional/Civic): Outstanding customer service
Profession: Electrical design engineer, Murata Machinery
Education: BS in computer engineering and BS in electrical engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2013)
Personal: loves cooking and video games

Name (Rank): Sensei Michael Hariaczyi (4th Dan)
Location/Date of birth: Buffalo, NY/1978
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: June 2009/Huntersville, NC/Master H.C. Butch McLaughlin
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu Karate: December 2014
Date received present rank: September 2018
Organizational Support: USIK, Former member of American Okinawan Karate Association (AOKA)
Profession: Senior sales consultant, Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Charlotte NC
Education: BS Business Administration, State University of NY at Buffalo (June 2001).General Securities Representative Exam (Series 7), 2002. Uniform Securities State Law Examination (Series 63), 2002. Additional license (Series 66), 2019

Name (Rank): Sensei Marisa McLaughlin (3rd dan)
Location/Date of birth: Buffalo, NY/1995
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: 1998/Buffalo, NY/Universal Martial Arts/Gary and Patrice Castanza
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: September 2009
Date received present rank: September 2015
Organizational support: USIK, WKF,NKF
Awards (Martial Arts): Bushido award 2006, Kin Kou award 2013, Young Female Karateka of the year 2010 (IHOF)
Awards (Professional/Civic): Outstanding Supervisor of the year 3 years running
Profession: Training and Development Coordinator, ESP Associates Inc
Education: BS in Psychology with a concentration on Industrial and Organizational and a minor in Public Health, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2018)
Personal: loves the outdoors and spends a lot of time at the local church

Name (Rank): Sensei Stephanie Esper (3rd dan)
Location/Date of birth:
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: June 2006/Huntersville, NC/Master H.C. Butch McLaughlin
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: October 2011
Date received present rank: September 2017
Organizational support: USIK, Former member of American Okinawan Karate Association (AOKA)
Awards (Martial Arts):
Awards (Professional/Civic):
Profession: Artist/painter
Education: BS in management and BS in marketing, American InterContinental University (2004)

Name (Rank): Sensei Caroline Afifah Al-Khalil (3rd Dan)
Location/Date of birth: Spartanburg, SC/1999
Date/Location/Instructor where Isshinryu training began: June 2010/Apex Martial Arts of Charlotte, NC/Master H.C. Butch McLaughlin
Date received Sho-Dan in Isshinryu karate: May 2016
Date received present rank: September 2019
Organizational support: USIK
Education: Graduated 2018 at Mallard Creek High School and now a student at Central Piedmont Community College

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